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We invite recruiting companies to cooperate.

Our company has offices in Dubai, Doha, Manila and Kathmandu. Due to these opportunities, we are open to cooperating with other recruiting companies and supplying candidates from our side to other agencies in Europe as well.

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We are looking for partners from most European countries for the potential employment of our candidates for your clients in Europe.

We are interested in partners from Poland, Italy, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Lithuania, Latvia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovakia, Estonia, Albania, Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Cyprus and Malta. 

Our candidates can work in the fields of construction, production (warehouses, factories, and manufacturing plants), agriculture, hotel and restaurant business, cleaning and other business areas. 

We take care of all necessary visa processes, selection of necessary candidates, conducting interviews, assistance in their arrival. From the partner's side, we expect the necessary work permits for employees, and of course the provision of a workplace together with accommodation. 

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We offer flexible and mutually beneficial terms of cooperation. Our candidates will be able to find jobs in Europe, and you will be able to close most of the staffing requests for your own clients. We look forward to hearing from you for future discussions.


We are building a bridge between employer and worker across the continent at a distance of 7,000 kilometers

HR Bridge Sp. z o. o.
Hoża 29, 00-521 Warsaw, Poland

KRS: 0000989199

NIP: 7011102825

+48 690 548 543 - toate cererile

+385 97 738 1761doar pentru Croatia

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